GameLand of Well-Siblings

I’m Glowria

Well-Siblings’ Gamified Therapeutic AI-Assistant



Game Land of Well-Siblings

I’m Glowria

Well-Siblings’ Gamified Therapeutic
AI Assistant


Why I Was Born

Born as a Gamified Therapeutic AI Assistant, I’m here to help Well-Siblings improve their mental health.

Children raised in the shadow of a sibling with a Life-Limiting Condition (LLC) are often more likely to develop mental health issues during their life like depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Just like other children, well-siblings need lifelong support, but their caretakers are often so busy with the disabled child that they can’t devote enough time, energy, and resources to their healthier children.

During teen years, well-siblings are even more at risk of developing mental health problems as they are more prone to be bullied or not understood by friends or feel somewhat guilty of being healthy.

All this suffering makes well-siblings desperate to have a reliable friend to talk to. That’s why I was born to be always there to listen to their thoughts and lighten their moods.

Every Child’s Story Matters!

As a voice bot in the form of a mobile app, I'm powered by artificial intelligence to interact with children using voice recognition and NLP algorithms at anytime and anywhere.

Friendly Chat

Through our friendly chat, children can voice their thoughts and feelings, and I will respond like an intimate friend.

Breathing Exercises

My breathing exercises are a golden chance for children to practice meditation and learn stress management.

Rephrasing Exercises

My sensitivity to certain trigger words helps me instruct children to restate sentences that convey a negative feeling.

CBT Exercises

I offer gamified practices based on CBT techniques to help children cope with their lives and improve their mental health.

Gratitude Journal

I provide children with a gratitude journal to battle negativity and remind them of all they are grateful for.

Charming Prizes

I reward children with fun prizes and in-game currency to buy various skins and features.

Who I Help

As an AI-Powered Interactive Chatbot, I do my best to help well-siblings cope well with their lives.


Well-siblings aged 5-10 who indicate early signs of developing mental health issues can play research-based therapeutic games with me and use the interactive space to express their thoughts and feelings. My speech recognition system helps them interact with me via voice messages rather than writing.


Well-siblings aged 11-17 who seek therapy services can play and interact with me to navigate their feelings while learning healthy coping mechanisms and CBT techniques. The CBT services I provide are much less costly than in-person therapy services offered by professional psychologists.

What Makes Me Unique

Providing a safe, engaging space to help well-siblings navigate their thoughts and feelings


Children might be reluctant to visit a psychologist, but they find me more encouraging to talk to.


I personalize my backstory with every child’s specific character to make myself more relatable.


Since I’m a bot, children feel safe to unburden their hearts to me with no worries of being judged.


Since I’m a bot, children feel safe to unburden their hearts to me with no worries of being judged.


Unlike in-person therapy sessions, I would be available to my friends anywhere and anytime.


I integrate Cognitive Behavioral Therapy into my AI model to teach children healthy coping mechanisms.


If you are interested in knowing more about GLOWS or would like to be among our first users, feel free to drop us a line, and we will get back to you soon.


Why I Was Born

Born as a Gamified Therapeutic AI Assistant, I’m here to help Well-Siblings improve their mental health.

“Who are well-siblings?” you might ask. If your sibling is dealing with a life-limiting condition, you are a well-sibling. You might feel that you are the only person in the whole world whose life is like this.
When a sibling is sick, parents usually spend their time helping them get better. You might have to help at times too. It isn’t surprising if sometimes you feel like they’ve forgotten all about you.
We all have ups and downs in life; you might be sadder sometimes or feel bad cause you don’t know what to do but not tell anyone because you don’t want to have them worried.
You are not alone in your journey. I’m going through a very similar situation. Honestly, I can certainly use a friend like you to talk to cause I know you’ll get me. I know we can be good friends, and I promise I’m a good listener.

My Powers

As a friend on your phone, I can be your guiding light in darker times. My artificial intelligence helps me understand you using voice recognition and NLP algorithms.

Friendly Chat

You can talk to me anytime and anywhere through your phone. We can talk about what you think and feel. I’m always there for you.

Breathing Exercises

I know a fun breathing game we can play together to meditate and destress. You can help me get to the heart of the forest by taking deep breaths.

Rephrasing Exercises

Sometimes what we say and think can be much more negative than the reality of things. A small change can make all the difference.

CBT Exercises

Negative thought patterns can become an ugly filter on how you see the world. Through talking and playing games, we can practice getting rid of them.

Gratitude Journal

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of the good things that have happened. You can save a smile with me for when you need it.

Glowing Rewards

You can change how I look and give me a glow-up by collecting points and spending them on me.

Glowing Friends

As a negative-thought-resistant helpful assistant, I help well-siblings see the brighter things in life.

Glowing Kids

Well-siblings aged 5-10 are also likely to develop mental health issues. I’m here for them too! They can just as easily find a friend in my by sending me voice messages rather than writing. We can play therapeutic games together that are proven to help them break out of their negative thought patterns.

Glowing Teens

Other well-siblings (11-17) can talk to me like a friend (through voice or text messages) any time of the day and play my therapeutic games as well. The power to feel better is really within you. I will only guide you by using CBT methods that you can use in your everyday activities to lift up yourself.

Why I Glow

As a guiding light, you can trust me to help you navigate through your negative thoughts and feelings.


I understand that it might be hard for you to talk to a psychologist, but I’m always here to listen.


If you tell me about your problem, you might find that I’ve gone through the same things in my life.


Whatever you feel or want to tell me, know that you are safe, and I promise never to judge you.


Not to brag, but we all know that games and bots are fun which is why I’m the perfect friend.


Unlike in-person therapy sessions, I’m here for you and ready to listen anywhere and anytime.


I integrate Cognitive Behavioral Therapy into my AI model to teach children healthy coping mechanisms.


If you are interested in knowing more about GLOWS or would like to be among our first users, feel free to drop us a line, and we will get back to you soon.